Typhoon Simulation
WRF-simulated wind field (Typhoon Doksuri, 2023)
Wind feild simulation (10 m height)
SWAN-simulated wave field (Typhoon Nesat, 2017)
Wave feild simulation
Directional wave spectrum
SWAN result
3-D Wind Data Visualization
Dual-Doppler Radar System
Doppler radar, source: Ørsted Taiwan, https://orsted.tw/
Wind Turbine Simulation
Wind Farm Wakes
Wind farm wakes simulation
Turbine Blade Modeling & Flutter Analysis
Turbine Load Assessment
Load prediction with AI Model
Fluid-structure interaction
Coupled Mesoscale-LES Modeling of Realistic Typhoon Boundary Layers and its Application for Load Estimation of Offshore Wind Turbines (MOST Project 2022-2024)
Turbine Load Assessment for Thunderstorm Downbursts using LES
Generated thunderstorm-related inflow fields for a wind farm using LES model in UNIX supercomputer and estimated wind turbine loads using the aeroelastic response simulator, NREL FAST.
Analyzed the statistics of wind/load data to investigate the remarkable characteristics using MATLAB.
Stability Analysis of a Constrained Shallow Arch
Modeled a half-sine arch constrained by a rigid plate and subjected to concentrated moments based on Euler beam theory.
Developed an original modification of energy method to treat the stability problem taking into account the constraints.
Constructed a computational system in Mathematica to control numerical convergence and conduct the bifurcation analysis of multiple equilibrium solutions.
Experimental measurement and correlation with theoretical prediction.